We Be Makin' Some Serious Progress / by Mark Silva
Corona House Construction Update / by Mark Silva
New Project Reconnaissance / by Mark Silva
Scoping out a new project. An off-grid home in the San Diego County outback, Jacumba area. Gorgeous 8 acre property, this should be interesting and fun.
Corona House Update / by Mark Silva
Holy Night! Photography at Plaster City, CA on Christmas Night / by Mark Silva
Construction Update At Corona House / by Mark Silva
Corona House Construction Update / by Mark Silva
Corona House Update / by Mark Silva
Corona House Construction Update / by Mark Silva
Corona House Tile Installation Started / by Mark Silva
Cabinets Installation at Corona House / by Mark Silva
Corona House Update / by Mark Silva
Drywall finishing & stucco brown coat
Corona House Construction Update / by Mark Silva
Eisenhauer Backyard Enhancement / by Mark Silva
Corona House Update - Good Weather / by Mark Silva
Corona House Construction Update / by Mark Silva
Roadtrip - Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona, AZ / by Mark Silva
Was here as a pre-teenager with my parents. Been dreaming about it ever since. The architecture blew me away as a young boy. Probably the biggest influence on my architecture work, this singular building.
Roadtrip - Gila Cliff Dwellings, NM / by Mark Silva
Extremely experiential for me personally. A long, mostly climbing, hike thru beautiful forest. A thunderstorm slowly passed by and provided constant thunder from the sky as a backdrop to the whole experience, not to mention humidity.
To think human families in groups built this and lived here in these structures, bringing their water all the way up from the stream below. Being protected from dangers; other tribes, bears and other critters, and the climate. While I was in the spaces it was amazing to think these families with children scratched out an existence with its ups and downs (literally). You could actually make out where their sleeping spots were carved out of the sandstone, assuming they most likely had straw mats and blankets to make it cozy.
Thank you New Mexico for allowing me to have this experience.
Roadtrip - Bowie, AZ / by Mark Silva
An example of the thousands of small towns that never recovered from the interstate highway system. Some have recovered. This system by-passed the Main Streets of small towns across every State of the Union. thereby wreaking havoc on the their economies in a huge way not to mention devastating the people of these towns. Many of course left town, still many stayed out of pride and/or a sense of place. Its a sad story to be seen all across the Country on any roadtrip. Bowie, despite having the railroad and a National Monument, Main Street now looks like this.