Always in awe of construction workers in general, but there is something special about these cowboys they call “steel guys” ❤️
video and stills below
Always in awe of construction workers in general, but there is something special about these cowboys they call “steel guys” ❤️
video and stills below
Some projects come back from the dead. Like this one near SDSU in San Diego. Stopped by to “check on progress” and was very pleased to see the progress and the mostly adherence to the design, you be the the judge below. I was out of the loop for awhile for reasons, but I’m back. Was a great thing to see and be a part of today. ❤️
Original renderings below
This is a service we provide to our property owners. Like a real estate 3D walk-thru, you can click and move about, and view all the equipment/systems below the floor, and this 3D model will exist into the future of the building as a record.
In a couple places you can even go under the floor.
We will do another one when the walls and roof go up for everything in the walls and ceilings, before the finishes go on. So it’s all documented.
Finally out of the ground. Framing has begun.
Extremely comforted and humbled by the community reception of my crazy idea of an art gallery in Ocotillo. It means the world to me, thank you Ocotillo, and the Imperial Valley at large. ❤️
January 14, 2024. The Grand Opening - A great time had by all that attended. Expected 100 peeps, instead had more like 300.
Live music, great food, wine & craft beer, to go along with the amazing artists showing in our first group show, by my amazing Gallery Director Leah Blair. Thank you Leah!
My excellent music director Caedon Howell provided 7 hours of continuous live mucic by 4 different acts, all fantastic and well received.
Delicious food and desserts provided by Lamont Street Grill Catering and Kris Silva.
Fresh brewed craft beer specially brewed for the event - Gateway Honey Ale by Ocotillo Brewing Company. Thank you guys!
Wine provided by Calianna winery, from my Z House + Winery project completed last year in Fallbrook, CA.
Ocotillo is an amazing community. As we started running out of supplies during the event due to the massive showing of support by so many people, community members stepped up immediately to help out and keep the party going. ❤️ I will be forever grateful.
Check the PRESS - Imperial Valley Press
These men and women are amazing, our unsung heroes.
Eight years later, with beautiful mature vegetation, she's still a well cared for beauty, Can Deus. Recent photos of what some have considered a masterpiece, soon to be enhanced, by me. A once in a lifetime opportunity. Stay tuned...
A very complicated new foundation system, dealing with the surprises of what was under the existing house. This builder is on it 100% MLA Contractors
This amazing but unbuilt project had an untimely tragic ending. These new incredible renderings are offered to the widow in an attempt to help her in any way they can. Thank you Razin Khan, you are a very honorable man. ❤️
Z House + Winery dinner party for the architect and builder. Owners love their house so much; “we COULD NOT be happier!”. A wonderfully meaningful gesture of “we did this!” A great experience for sure, thank you Z’s.
Amazing food and wine by the Z’s. Great family, feels so good to help their life.
More amazing landscaping still to go in, including 2 large green roofs at the guest house & large shop/wine building. Possibly in the spring it will be ready to be properly photographed.